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Opinionator Latest Articles

AMD confirms Anti-Lag+ is coming back soon

AMD confirms Anti-Lag+ is coming back soon

AMD’s much-anticipated Anti-Lag+ feature is confirmed to be back, promising smoother, more responsive gameplay. But after its initial launch hiccups and subsequent banhammer incidents, can Anti-Lag+ truly redeem itself? This article dives deep into the news, exploring the potential benefits, ...

How Much Did Disney Buy Fortnite For?

How Much Did Disney Buy Fortnite For?

The news of Disney’s involvement with Fortnite sent shockwaves through the gaming community, leaving many wondering: did Disney actually buy the wildly popular battle royale? While the headlines might be grabbing attention, the reality is a bit more nuanced. Let’s ...

What is the Ryzen 9 5950X Used For?

What is the Ryzen 9 5950X Used For?

Have you ever dreamed of a processor that can handle demanding games? What about complex creative projects and intensive multitasking with ease? Look no further than the Ryzen 9 5950X. It’s a powerhouse chip that’s redefining performance expectations. But with ...

What to Expect From Apple’s Vision Pro Display

What to Expect From Apple’s Vision Pro Display

What to Expect From Apple’s Vision Pro Display is a question buzzing on every tech enthusiast’s mind. This revolutionary headset promises to blur the lines between the virtual and real, offering a glimpse into the future of immersive experiences. But ...

What is How does it work?

What is How does it work?

Imagine a world where you can have engaging conversations with historical figures, chat with fictional characters, or even bounce creative ideas off an AI assistant who understands your nuances. That’s the promise of, a platform that’s rapidly gaining traction ...

Top best gaming pc under $1000 in 2024

Top best gaming pc under $1000 in 2024

Torn between budget-friendly beasts and future-proof powerhouses? This guide dissects four top gaming PCs under $1,000, each catering to different gaming needs and budgets. From the budget-busting Skytech Nebula with its RTX 4060 muscle to the balanced CyberpowerPC Gamer Master, ...